Different Needs FAQ

Important Information for consumers with a disability:

At PABX Solutions we take our responsibility towards disabled customers very seriously. We are aware of the requirements of the current regulations (Telecommunications Services for Disabled Persons Regulations and the Disability Discrimination Act 1995) and have been working hard to accommodate their requirements.

We offer a number of different services for our customers with special needs. These services are designed to not only meet the demands of the current regulations, but to also enable us to offer the best possible service to these customers.

If you would like to request any of our documentation, including this code, in large print, Braille or audio format, please contact Customer Care on 1300 008 647 with your full name, address and telephone number so that we can send it to you or contact you in the unlikely event of a problem.

Priority fault repair:

In the event of a fault, where a special needs customer has a bona fide need of urgent repair, priority is given to restoring such a customer’s service.

Please note that priority fault repair is only available for telephone faults.

In order to take advantage of our priority fault repair service, customers with special needs must pre-register their requirements with us. In order to register please call Customer Care on 1300 683 000.

Bill payment and protected service:

Disabled customers who are dependent upon the phone may nominate somebody who can help them deal with phone bills and their account in general. Specifically, this nominee can:

– Be the person to whom the customer’s bill is sent.

– Be the person to whom any enquiry will be made by PABX Solutions in the event of a bill not being paid.

– Pay the bill on behalf of the customer – but will not be held legally liable for the bill.

In order to take advantage of any or all of the elements of our Protected Service Scheme, customers with special needs must register their requirements with us by calling Customer Care on 1300 008 647.


Customers who have problems reading the terms and conditions of their contract should ask for a salesperson to explain it to them or for an audio tape copy.

Text relay service:

We currently provide our hearing and speech-impaired customers with access to a text relay service via BT and RNID’s Text Relay. This enables such customers to communicate with each other and with hearing/speaking customers.

To use the service users must first register with Text Relay. To register, customers should call either of the following numbers free:

0800 500 888 (textphone)

0800 7 311 888 (telephone)

Once registered, in order to use the services, a textphone user dials 18001 followed by the full telephone number they require. If the call is answered by a hearing person, a Text Relay operator is brought into the call. However, if the call is answered by another textphone user, the connection is direct with no need to involve an operator.

Hearing users calling a textphone dial 18002 followed by the full telephone number they require. Once connected, the textphone user types a message from their keyboard and the operator reads it word for word to the hearing person. The hearing person then verbally responds and the Text Relay operator types exactly what is said so that the deaf person can read the conversation on their textphone display panel.

Textphone users needing to call the emergency services (police, fire, ambulance or coast guard) should just dial 18000.

Further information about Text Relay can be obtained at www.textrelay.org

Free directory enquiries (195):